Thursday, December 30, 2010
2010 In Review
2. Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I didn't make any resolutions last year, but Maggie did. As far as I know, she kept it! I'll most likely make some for 2011, but not sure what yet.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? I did! Jessica Fae joined our family June 2.
4. Did anyone close to you die? No.
5. What places did you visit? We did not leave the state this year, but did have a weekend away in Bozeman MT before Jessie arrived.
6. What would you like to have in 2011 that you lacked in 2010? A Minnesota Vikings winning season. Seriously, 2010 was a pretty darn good year that didn't lack for much of anything.
7. What dates from 2010 will remain etched upon your memory and why? Jessie's birth is probably the only actual date I'll be able to recall years from how.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Other than giving birth? Going to the family camp at Luccock park with a 3 month old! And being able to give Jessie mostly breastmilk for her first 7 months of life (so far). I think she's only had 1 bottle of formula at daycare.
9. What was your biggest failure? This is a weird one, but I think my biggest failure was not keeping Maggie home with me more often while I was on leave this summer. While I was pregnant, I had visions of keeping her home once a week, going on play dates to the zoo or the Lake, and we just didn't do that enough. I'm hoping to rectify that next summer by taking more days off for just us.
10. Did you suffer any illness or injury? No. We have all been healthy this year, other than Maggie's bout with Scarlet Fever
11. What was the best thing you bought? Technically, I didn't buy it because it was free, but I'm really digging my Droid phone.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? Maggie, who has been such a great big sister! She took the hospital stay in stride and has not shown any jealousy towards Jessie.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Wiconi has decided that more things in our house belong outside. She will take any stuff animal outside to play. She will take dog dishes outside, dumping any leftover dog food on the floor as she goes. I don't know that this makes me depressed, but it is rather appalling.
14. Where did most of your money go? Where it always goes: taxes, the house, and daycare.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Our first backyard movie night. Rocky bought an inflatable movie screen and projector. We watched "The Towering Inferno", enjoyed a fire and some shooting stars.
16. What song will remind you of 2010? It's not well known, but as it was written by Maggie, I can't help but put this one here.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a. happier or sadder? Happier. 2009 was a rough year. 2010 was really pretty good.
b. thinner or fatter? Thinner, though to be fair, I did give birth this year. I am still losing weight though and am fitting into clothes I never thought I would wear again!
c. richer or poorer? I think we are the same.
18. What do you wish you'd done more of? Scrapbooking -- I have a scrapbook for 2010 that I haven't even started. At least I have written in Jessie's babybook. And the blog will help me complete the scrapbook.
19. What do you wish you'd done less of? Watch TV. Though this time of year, I always feel like I watch too much TV. We are considering getting rid of DircTV. We have Netflix now (which ROCKS) and most of the TV we watch is on the local channels.
20. How did you spend Christmas in 2010? It was a blessed Christmas!
21. Did you fall in love in 2010? Of course, we all fell in love with little Jessie. And I fell a little bit more in love with my husband.
22. What was your favorite TV program? Really enjoying "Community" and "The Big Bang Theory"
23. What did you do for your birthday? Some girl friends from church took me to lunch at Guadalajara and Rocky and the girls took me to Outback for supper.
24. What was the best book your read? "Ain't Gonna Paint No More"
25. What did you want and get? Healthy pregnancy and baby. A white Christmas. A Droid. Family visits.
26. What did you want and not get? A family photo
27. What was your favorite film? We saw 3 movies on the big screen this year. Rocky & I went to "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" which was well done, though VERY long. We all went to see "Iron Man" before Jessie was born. It was the only movie we saw at the drive in this year. Maggie & I also went to see "Toy Story 3" in 3-D. I don't think the 3-D really added anything to the story, only $20 to the Disney coffers.
28. Did you make some new friends? Not necessarily "new" friends, but our friendships with our church group really grew this past year.
29. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? That is really really hard to say. This really was a good year. I've been looking back through my posts for ideas of how to answer these questions, and I don't know that this year could have been more satisfying. I could have done without the hail storms and robbery. But we were still able to enjoy the fruits of our garden and we learned to keep the garage door shut. Even so, I don't know that without those things the year would have been Immeasurably more satisfying. Anything missing from this year .
30. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2010? Casual, comfortable.
31. What kept you sane? Wine.
32. What celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Usually this would probably be Brendan Fraser, but not sure I'd drop everything for him anymore.
33. What political issue stirred you the most? Healthcare Reform. On this issue, I am, apparently, a socialist.
34. Who do you miss? Nala.
35. What valuable life lesson did you learn? Trouble doesn't stick around. The best thing we can do with our lives is enjoy it and each other.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
A New Toy
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas Happens
The past week or so has been filled with Christmas events, including 2 Christmas concerts that Maggie participated in, 1 in preschool and 1 at church. She did pretty good at the preschool concert, but despite her assurances that she would sing loud in church and singing in the rehearsal, she simply mouthed the words. She still looked cute in her angel wings. (videos will be posted later)
Grandma Alana drove in on the 23rd and we were all able to just hang out most of the day Christmas Eve. Grandma brought a Gingerbread House kit and Maggie really enjoyed decorating it. She has asked several times when we can eat it. She may be the only one who partakes in eating it.
Christmas Eve, we also joined our neighbor’s annual Santa party. Maggie was sure to tell Daddy that it wasn’t the “real” Santa because he was traveling around the world delivery presents. Plus we SAW him fly through the neighborhood. She was still happy to sit on his lap and tell him that she wanted a Strawberry Shortcake doll for Christmas. She got a Little House on the Prairie story book from Santa, which she and Grandma read before bed.
After the party, we went to church. Maggie decided she wanted to sit with us and thought the candlelight service was fun. Jessie wasn’t as impressed and we spent a little time in the narthex with baby John Seab, who Jessie seemed to want to eat, or at least just taste. Though it was fun to watch the 2 babies interact.
Back at home, we found Santa had left our stockings, so we took some time to see what he left and open the “stockings” that Grandma Alana had brought for us. Maggie was thrilled to see Santa knew she liked Zoobles. We agreed that Santa can be pretty smart.
Christmas morning, Jessie & I got up early, around 5:30 am. Well, Jessie got up early and got me up with her. She enjoyed checking out the the Christmas lights and presents.
The rest of the family got up around 7 or so, and Jessie had fallen back to sleep. Maggie took some time to play with her new Strawberry Shortcake doll – Santa didn’t forget!
Jessie liked her gifts, but really preferred the wrapping paper and ribbons. It’s been a long time since I’ve been around a baby at Christmas
We all received nice gifts, Rocky got a telescope and Superman pjs and I got a new set of dishes and a nice fluffy robe among other wonderful things. We had ribs for lunch. And after lunch, Maggie got a final gift from Grandma Bonnie and Grandpa Mike: a princess yard card!! Maggie was so excited, she just kept saying “I like it!”
It was a very very blessed Christmas. God bless us everyone!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
- When I got Maggie up this morning, she informed me that it is still night. I reminded her that in the winter, it's dark when we get up (like it has been EVERY SINGLE MORNING for some time now). So she gets out of bed, goes to her window, opens the curtains, points to the moon and says "But Mo-om, when the moon is out that means you have to sleep!"
- Last night, when I got home from work, Rocky, Maggie & Jessie were on the couch watching "Snow Buddies." In it, there is a "hip" puppy that calls everyone dawg and says "You straight up trippin" a lot. Rocky tried several times to get Maggie to say it as well. Finally, she says "You straight up chicken!"
- Maggie walks into the kitchen, arm flailing and states "I don't know what I'm doing!"
- Last night, while fighting off sleep, Maggie asked her dad "Do reindeer lay eggs?"
- Last week, she asked her teacher, Miss Carole: "Are elves and reindeer real?" Miss Carole told her that yes, they are real and told us that Maggie looked VERY releaved!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Crios de Susana Balbo Torrontes
A nice crisp Torrontes I.P. Salta from Argentina. A little dry and probably much better in the summer, but I’ve been enjoying it this week. I’m sure it will pair nicely with the pizza Rocky & Maggie brought home!
Per the label:
Crios means “offspring” and refers both to my children and my label of wines that display loveable fruit flavors and excellent balance. Torrontes is Argentina’s uniquely aromatic grape variety and it shows its finest expression in the northern province of Salta where 5,000 ft elevation, dry weather, intense sun, cool nights, and sandy soils bring out its true nature. It combines an intensely floral, citrusy aroma similar to Viognier with the dry, crisp taste of Sauvignon Blanc. And no oak – just a lot of motherly attention.
I really am enjoying South American wines lately. I have a trio of Californian and duo of Montanan – yes Montanan – wines to blog about soon. I purchased the Torrontes at City Vineyard for $13.95. I may have to look for more next summer.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Hey Santa Claus! Hey Santa Claus!
We got to visit Santa at the Gazette yesterday. We got to meet Santa early as Rocky got to interview him for a video series he’s doing. Maggie was very excited to help! She helped Rocky get set up and even came up with some questions (see below), but got shy when Santa showed up and let Daddy ask the questions. Jessie wasn’t too shy and enjoyed checking out his beard – which is very real by the way!
Maggie’s party present is a Zhu Zhu pet. We were trying to figure out his name, but couldn’t find it on the box. Maggie asked me to read something on the box, which was the warning label. She decided “Warning” is a great name for her new Zhu Zhu pet. Jessie got some blocks, which she loves to chew on!
Here is Maggie’s version of yesterday and her questions:
We take videos of him. And I get a present from Santa. My baby sister got a present too. When we took videos of Santa, when it was over Santa was holding my baby sister then Jessie grabbed Santa’s beard! I like visiting Santa. But sometimes I have the best thing in my heart. Like Christmas and God. Even Love.
I tell Santa where does he live? who makes the presents? How do reindeer fly? What’s his favorite cookie? Do you have a wife? Why does Santa wear a coat? Why does he wear boots that are big? That’s it.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Learning to sew
Monday, December 6, 2010
Day 183
On Jessie’s 6 month birthday (12/2/2010), she had her 6 month check up! She is around 15 pounds 10 ounces and 25 inches long. Right in the 25th percentile for weight, length and head size. Dr. Sorenson was impressed by how well she sits up and how she can get herself on all fours – which Jessie did for her when she was placed on her tummy. Dr. Sorenson could feel her teeth – I still can’t, but am really hoping they come in before Christmas so there won’t be as many sleepless/Orajel nights with Jessie. Maggie came along and got her flu mist, but Daddy took her into the waiting room while Jessie got her shots. I think it’s harder on us parents than the kids. Jessie got that look of disbelief and then pissed off during the 4 shots she got. Red face and all, which I don’t think I’ve seen since she got her shots at 2 months. She did calm down fairly quickly and slept while we had breakfast at McDonald’s. Daycare gave her a little Tylenol and she slept most of the evening, but I think she did pretty good.