81. Late evening chocolate cupcakes
82. Listening to Jessie count: “Seese, senen, eeght, ninne, teen!”
83. Maggie doing a mime show just for me!
84.Drinking coffee out of a mug from our wedding reception hall
85. Maggie setting the table
86. Jessie helping to empty the dishwasher
87. A new feeling of calm, no matter what happens, God will provide and we will be more than just “okay”
88. Time to sit just with Maggie to talk about her day
89. Learning just how much Jessie already knows
90. A treat before school and work
91. An easy drop-off with Jessie, even a kiss on the cheek!
92. Planning Maggie’s birthday
93. Lots of prayers of thanks at prayer group
94. Opportunity to volunteer at the next Walk to Emmaus
95. Cool evenings spent outside
96. The way Maggie tells a story
97. Maggie telling me the story “If You Take a Mouse to School”
98. Realization of how truly safe from harm I am
99. Little loose teeth
100. Good meeting with my managers, projects and opportunities are forthcoming!
101. Confidence to take my career to the next level
102. Extra time with Maggie each morning
103. Baby bunnies
104. A soup lunch with my husband
105. The little hand that holds tightly to mine.
106. Blowing bubbles
107. Watching Rusty try to catch bubbles
108. Watching Maggie & Jessie try to catch bubbles
109. Jessie asking to wear elephant socks
110. Commuting as a family this week – figuring out the best way to get everyone to work and school on time
111. Visiting Maggie’s classroom to see her projects.
One thing I have already learned with this little project is that I am in complete control in how I respond to a situation. I can either look at a problem as that or as an opportunity. It was said best by Joyce Meyer’s prayer for the August 24th devotional:
Lord, I can’t change the world around me, but I can bring my life and requests to You. May Your peace guard my heart and mind today. Thank you that I can rest in Your arms. Amen.