Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Maggie on Shrimp Stir-Fry

"Mom, I'll like shrimp when I'm bigger. I'm too short to like shrimp." To her credit, she did try the shrimp (licked it) and a bean. She enjoyed a peanut butter taco last night for her meal.

And a few other Maggie-isms to save for posterity:
  • "Mom, when your belly button pops out, then the baby will come out and you will feed it with your boo-boos."
  • "When I get big, I will like pickle sandwiches. And I will have big feet and a big butt and a hairy butt and big boo-boos."

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for letting us know this Shrimp Stir Fry. I want to cook this one because this recipe is one of my dad's favorite. So I will try to cook this. I hope I can make it perfectly. Keep on sharing!
