Friday, November 9, 2012

First Grade Report Card

So somehow, we missed Maggie's report card last week. It was sent home on Wednesday, so we most likely didn't even open her backpack in the excitement of Halloween & a trip to the dentist.  But after checking Mrs. George's website earlier, I realized we had missed it. A quick email to Mrs. George got us a copy of it [and of course, then Rocky found the report card in my car].

Maggie is currently reading in Stage 4/5, which is Developing [Achieving independence by using sentence structure, meaning and phonetic clues] and Early Fluency, which includes begining to silently read.  Her spelling is in Phonetic stage which means she's writing words based on how they sound -- so her spelling needs some work, but we are almost always able to tell what she has written.

The rest of her report card was very good, filled with Excellents and Satisfactories (+).  And Mrs. George had some wonderful things to say about Maggie:

Maggie is a joy to have in class. She comes to school ready to work and is always excited to learn about something new.  She participates in class discussions regularly.  Maggis is really going about trying and doing her best.  She is a great leader and role model for her classmates.  She also has a fun attitude, but can occasionally be emotional and cry.  She is a sensitive little girl with a big heart.  Maggie is doing very well in both reading and math.  This quarter she has learned her sight words to 100% accuracy!  Way to go!  She is also successful with Word of the Week!  Keep up the good work, Maggie!  I am proud of you!

1 comment:

  1. Man, her teacher sounds lovely! What a nice, glowing, thorough description. Go Maggie!!
