Sunday, June 22, 2014

#SHRM14 Day One

Here I am at the SHRM Conference in Orlando! I can hardly believe I'm really here, but it's been quite the trip! I was originally to arrive yesterday, late, but an overbooked flight in Minneapolis lead to an $800 flight voucher if I would spend the night there. And of course, I jumped on that (perfect for our trip next year!)

I got in today with enough time to check into my hotel, take a shower and get over to the convention and hear Robin Roberts' keynote address. She was funny, emotional and had some great insights, including:
*God has 3 answers to prayers, yes, not yet and I have something better in mind.
*your destination may not look like you thought it would.
*I was grateful, but not content.

I am still in awe of just how many people are here. The vendor fair was crazy busy. I got lost a couple of times but still ended up with 2 bags full of stuff. Fun stuff to take to the girls, a couple of books to read, and lots of drinks and snacks.

When I got back to the hotel, I walked over to Downtown Disney -- so much stuff and so many people.

Tomorrow is going to be another busy day. Lots of great sessions, more time with the vendors, and maybe even another 17,000+ steps!

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