Monday, January 11, 2010

Baby 2.1 update

Back from the OB and nothing to report. Which is rather nice. The baby was not cooperative when we tried to find the heartbeat and kept moving away from the doppler anytime it got close. We did eventually get a heartbeat count of 152. My blood pressure is still nice and low and my weight loss seems to have tapered off a bit. By my count, I'm down another 2-3 pounds from the last visit (but I'm also doing my weighing with the Wii and using the -2 pounds for the weight of my clothing :) ), but as I'm overweight, it's not a concern.

I've been having some pain over the weekend, but is all normal and I have been given permission to take Tylenol (which I have) and use heat. The nurse said I probably pulled it rolling over or walking and as the uterus is growing, it takes a while to "heal."

Next up is another ultrasound, at which time we can probably find out the sex. It is Rocky's choice, but so far he has said he doesn't want to find out -- which is fine by me. I enjoy the guessing and the surprise!

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