Sunday, June 28, 2009

Grandma and Grandpa and Cousin Laney

Grandma Bonnie, Grandpa Mike and Counsin Delaney came to visit over Father's day weekend. They arrived Friday evening and we all enjoyed the pleasant evening, though none of us as much as Delaney who took advantage of no longer being cooped up in the truck by doing cartwheels, head and hand stands and helping Maggie to do the same.

We built a fire and roasted marshmallows as well. Maggie was very excited to have the family visit and it didn't take her long to start asking for "Grandpa Mike games." "Gwampa, are you my fwiend? Grab my hands, grab my feet!"
Saturday, we enjoyed some time at ZooMontana, after a quick stop at the Candy Store. It was time for us to renew our membership anyway. Maggie and Delaney fed the goats at the farm and enjoyed watching the bear and the new baby big horn sheep.

Saturday afternoon was lazy (I think we ALL took naps) as we prepared ourselves for a trip to the drive-in. We always enjoy going, even though the movies do not start until very very late. We also got hit with a couple of rain storms, but still managed to watch most of "Up" from the back of Grandpa's truck. Maggie and Delaney had quite the set up with sleeping bags and pillows. Grandma and I watched from some chairs in the back. A little over half way through, it started to rain again, so we quickly tore down and jumped into the cab, and watched the rest of the movie. The lighting needs to be adjusted on those pictures, but I'll add them when I can.
Sunday morning, we enjoyed Lake Elmo. We were practically the only ones there. We had tried to go to church, but the rain canceled the outdoor service and by the time we got there, church was already in progress. I think God will understand, especially as we opted to enjoy His beautiful world!
At first, Delaney and Maggie were not sure what to think of the lake. The water was cold.

It didn't take too long for Delaney to take the plunge (though she never did show off any of her mad-swimming skillz). And it didn't take long after that for her to grab a towel and start checking out the cool Montana rocks (2 of which are named Rocky and Rocky Jr)

Maggie also eventually enjoyed the water and had to be coaxed out, even with her teeth chattering!

Back home, we got out the slip-n-slide and bubbles, which both Maggie and Delaney enjoyed!
We had great fun with Grandma and Grandpa and Cousin Laney (which Maggie will tell you all about and even count them off on her fingers), even if it was just for a quick visit.

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