Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Dinner & a Movie

Many years ago, TBS used to have segments about cooking during their Friday night movie, and the meal always matched the movie. And I've wanted to do something like that for some time. Finally tonight! We did our dinner & a movie with Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2. We were able to find a list of all of the foodimals from the movie and we served:

Tacodiles with Flamango salsa, Pickle People, Bananastritches, and Watermelonphant punch.

Both girls enjoyed helping me make the Pickle People. Aunt Tammy & Cousin Taylor came over to eat & watch the movie. I really think we'll have to do this more often. I've seen a lot of ideas on Pinterest for a lot of Disney movies and I think the girls would really enjoy it, especially helping make the menu!

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